What do the Humanities tell us about loss, governance, work, and modern life? How are old texts applicable to modern life? Music, art, literature, poetry, theatre, and museum studies are interwoven into a cohesive and lasting experience. 200 Level Course. Great for freshmen!
Focuses on the big picture, empathy and leadership, integration of business and society, and analysis of trends. May be designed to fulfill writing-emphasis requirements. On line only.
This could be a full decription about the project
Silo thinking is a problem in business. Departments often operate without an understanding of what other departments contribute to the whole. The course focuses on empathic leadership and integrated thinking.
The inclusion of humanities studies in medical curricula is a growing trend. Research shows that this discipline helps medical professionals treat the whole patient. Available for on-line, face-to-face undergraduate students and as a graduate course. Available in UG and Graduate formats for on-line and face-to-face delivery.
The course explores the inter-relationship of art and technology from the fruition of the 2nd Industrial Revolution through the 4th and current Industrial Revolution. Through cultural commentary, literature, art, music, and film, theory, students examine the impact art and technology have on society. 200 level.
Available in on-line and face-to-face delivery
Re-purpose the humanities to create a second approach making them applicable studies that train our thinking powers. Bottom line: the human condition never changes. Historical perspectives provide expansive insight into our 4thIndustrial Revolution of artificial intelligence and the workplace of the future through the effects of past industrial revolutions and the social changes they brought. Susan has developed classes and workshops nurture empathy, active listening, and consilience. How does the story position us to solve modern organizational problems? What can we find that will inspire us or will teach us from the past to be the best we can at our jobs and lead to more satisfying lives in the future?
Humanities, Business, and Critical Thinking, earns praise from students and administrators. Adult students comment that they take class work directly to their jobs. Participants and program committees find her workshops and Athenian Dialogues produce positive reviews. Repeatedly she asks: How can you take this dialogue or workshop back to the office?
Susan’s courses at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay over the past decade introduce the Humanities to students as an applied course and her innovative online courses.
Guest Lecturer
Thinking Through the Humanities: a 21st Century Dynamic
Would the Chaos Please Come to Order – Minneapolis, MN – May 2023
Mrs. Spring Fragrance Teaches Diversity & Negotiations – Calgary, Alberta, CA – May 2024
UW-Green Bay Advancement series spotlighting faculty expertise. Two French authors take us on a marketing and shopping expedition.
The Millennial Wave, the 4th Industrial Revolution, and Conscious Capitalism
A conversation in empathy and critical thinking with Henrik Ibsen’s An Enemy of the People
Marketing expert emphasizes empathy as a competitive business advantage